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April 6 2012 5 06 /04 /April /2012 14:51

Please post your basic inorganic chemistry questions in the comments section below.

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Hi,<br /> is there an effective way to precipitate out copper and leave tin in a solution. I have a copper hydroxide dry sludge that is 28% copper and 7% tin, i wish to separate the two.<br /> Thanks. Kind regards.<br /> Andrew.
I added tin metal (97% purity) to a copper(II) sulfate solution and I got a white precipitate and the colour still remained blue except that it was clearer . I just want to know what's the white precipitate .If it's tin sulfate why didn't it get dissolved in the solution instead of precipitating and what's the blue coloured solution (is it still copper sulfate or copper sulfate mixed with tin sulfate )?
<br /> I was trying to crystallize feso4 soln to get some green vitriol, but unlike other times, this time I got a brown turbid solution. This had never happened before. What could be the problem? I am<br /> pretty sure it does not get oxidised to ferric ion so quickly.<br />
<br /> <br /> Unless iron(II) is in acidic solution, it readily oxidizes to iron(III) in the presence of air. Iron(II) sulfate will not crystallize in air; it will only oxidize. When it is dry, it keeps a<br /> little better.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> are the lead nitrate dissolve in water , alkahol?<br />
<br /> <br /> According to Wikipedia, lead nitrate is soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol, and slightly soluble in methanol.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> hi,<br /> <br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> <br /> Interesting blog. I am interested in extracting neodymium from monazite sand? I read some articles, all seems too complicated. Any simple amateur means to do it? I am interesting to make rare<br /> earth magnets myself<br />
<br /> <br /> All of the rare earth metals are very similar, so without advanced ion exchange techniques, rare earth metals cannot be purified. Even in the 1960s pure rare earth metals had an astronomical<br /> price. This technique is well out of the range of amateur chemistry. Even if you could get a pure neodymium salt, you would have to convert it to the fluoride and melt it with calcium in a<br /> crucible under argon atmosphere. You will then have to grind the neodymium to a powder, mix it with iron and boron in the right proportions, and sinter that (probably by applying enormous<br /> pressure and high heat). Then you will finally get a magnet. As you can see, it is extremely difficult to do so. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />