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April 2 2012 2 02 /04 /April /2012 15:43

I have compiled a list of sources for the elements that are available to the amateur chemist. Palladium will be discussed here.


Palladium is a silvery-white precious metal from Group 10. It has a similar appearance to silver, but it does not decolorize and tarnish like silver does, therefore it can act as an expensive substitute. Palladium does form a range of coordination complexes, but is a relatively noble metal. Palladium was discovered in the early 1800s in platinum ores. It is quite similar to the other platinum group metals.


In element form: Some beads and jewelry are plated with palladium metal. Some spark plugs use palladium alloys.


In compound form: Multi-layer ceramic capacitors contain palladium in their contacts.


Here is my sample of palladium. It is some multi-layer ceramic capacitors.



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