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June 10 2011 5 10 /06 /June /2011 13:26

I have compiled a list of sources for the elements that are available to the amateur chemist. Beryllium will be discussed here.


Beryllium is an insanely light, strong, gray metal. It is the first alkaline earth metal. It has properties similar to aluminium, but it is much more expensive. Beryllium seems unreactive because it forms a protective oxide layer, similar to aluminium. It is very toxic when powdered and inhaled, and somewhat toxic when ingested. Its compounds are sweet, but do not eat them! I initially did not have any beryllium, but gave in and purchased a small piece of this expensive metal.


In element form: X-ray windows are made of pure beryllium foil. Some pieces of aircraft and other military equipment are also made of beryllium. 0.5% to 3% beryllium is used to harden copper in an alloy called beryllium copper. This alloy is used to make nonsparking tools. Some high-end speakers use beryllium or beryllium alloys.


In compound form: The safest form of beryllium is the mineral beryl, beryllium aluminium silicate.


This is my sample of beryllium. It is a 1.1 gram beryllium lump purchased from GalliumSource for $15.00 plus shipping.


    Beryllium (4)

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